Showing posts with label Safety at Work place. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety at Work place. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2023

Radiography Works Hazards and Control Measures

Radiography Works Hazards and Control Measures Introduction Radiography plays an important role in ensuring safety and quality in construction sites. Radiography is the process of creating an image of the internal structure of an object using X-rays or gamma rays. This technique is commonly used in the construction industry to detect and identify any flaws or defects in the structural components of buildings, bridges, pipelines, and other infrastructure. Most...

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vibration hazard types on the workplace and their health effects with the control measures

 Vibration Hazards and Control Measures   We have two types of the vibration hazards which are related to our workplace. These are: 1.      Hand-Arm Vibration HAV 2.      Whole Body Vibration WBV Hand-arm Vibration Most of the time the workers which are using power tools are at risk of facing the...

Monday, October 4, 2021

Health safety and welfare requirements for new offices/Construction Site

 Health safety and welfare requirements of Construction Site   Construction workplace have several health, safety, and welfare requirements. These are the most important things which should be provided before/during commencing the activities on a site.   In this article I will try to cover all the requirements to setting a new workspace so that we can familiar...

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Accident Investigation on a workplace

 Accident Investigation     Workplace accident investigation is an ideal tool identify the outcomes which will arise after the accident.  Why do you need to investigate occupational accidents? For identification the cause of incident. To prevent comparative accidents later To meet legal needs. To determine the cost of an accident Determines...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

HSE Officer Roles and Responsibilities at a workplace

 HSE Officer Roles and Responsibilities Introduction The Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) officer plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of workers and the environment in any organization. The role of the HSE officer involves identifying, evaluating, and controlling hazards and risks in the workplace, ensuring compliance with relevant legislation, and promoting...

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Pressure Testing Procedures Safety

 Hydrostatic and Pneumatic pressure testing Procedures Safety Chemical plant equipment such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, columns. Pipelines, etc., need to be inspected, such as after completion of manufacture or install at regular intervals before commissioning and during plant operations, such as ensuring legal regulations and safe operation. Testing methods...

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Fire & Fire extinguisher Classifications With Fire Spread Methods

 Fire & Fire extinguisher Classifications and Fire Spread MethodsClassification of fire and fire extinguishers Types of fire and extinguishing Class A: A type fire consisting of solid materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, textiles, furniture, and plastics that are usually shiny during combustion. This type of fire is extinguished by cooling which is obtained...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Waste Collection and Waste disposal & precautions

 Waste Collection and Waste disposal Procedures for safe collection and disposal of waste. The space allocated should be large enough to dispose of this space before storage Storage should be properly away from drains etc. The storage area should be properly identified and labeled accordingly. The contents of the container must be clearly identified for the individual...

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Excavation hazards and control measures on a work place

                                 Excavation Safety on a work place Introduction Excavation is the process of removing earth, rocks, or other materials from a site to create a hole, trench, or foundation. It is a common practice in construction and civil...

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Slip Trip Hazards and Control Measures at workplace

 Slip Trip Hazards and Control MeasuresToday I am going to discuss the biggest hazard in the construction sites or in fact all types of work places i.e. slip trip. It can be avoided easily but unfortunately it is neglected most of the times and will give huge impact on work life. We will start with the most common slip trip hazards: ·        Slippery...

Thursday, December 24, 2020

PPE( Personal Protective Equipment )and Ladder Safety

PPE( Personal Protective Equipment )and Ladder Safety Introduction Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ladder safety are essential components of workplace safety. PPE refers to equipment designed to protect workers from hazards that cannot be eliminated through engineering or administrative controls. Ladders, on the other hand, are commonly used in various industries...

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

QHSE Notice Board at a workplace and importance of the notice board at a workplace

QHSE Notice Board  Notice board is a means of communication for a construction site. It will make things much more easy for health and safety professional specially conveying messages, lesson learnts and local authority updates related to HSE. What should be displayed on the notice board:Information for employees – poster with site...

Saturday, December 12, 2020

ELECTRICAL SAFETY at Construction Site

 ELECTRICAL SAFETY   Only competent/authorized electricians are allowed to make the electrical installations. Electrical power load for tasks must be assessed and suitable equipment must be installed. (e.g. Suitably rated panels, cables, sockets etc.) Power generators/electrical panels must be provided with appropriately rated circuit breakers (rcds) inspected regularly for its intended purpose. Secured (locked) appropriately from...

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What is Near Miss and Why it is important to report and record Near Miss?

 Near Miss    WHAT IS A NEAR MISS?   "A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, damage or product loss but had the potential to do so.". it is the definition which i read in the NEBOSH books and it is the most accurate as i believe.    The difference between a near miss and a full blown incident is often a fraction of a second that may not be there the next time.   Examples...

Monday, December 7, 2020

Hazards and control measures while working with Chemical at Work place

 Chemical safety Hazards Associated:Diseases Acute health effects.  Chronic health effects.  Illness. Accidental fires. Health and Safety Point to discuss:     Hazardous substances must be stored in suitable and un-damaged Containers placed at appropriately bunded locatio...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Safe usage of Abrasive Wheels and hazards related to abrasive wheels at Work Place

ABRASIVE WHEELSHazards Associated:There are many risks associated with using abrasive wheels of which you need to be aware of:1.      Collapse, fragmentation or explosion of discs.2.      Particles flying from materials being cut.3.      Dust, avoid dry cutting, if not possible use respiratory...