Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vibration hazard types on the workplace and their health effects with the control measures


Vibration Hazards and Control Measures


Vibration hazard types with health effects and control measures

We have two types of the vibration hazards which are related to our workplace. These are:

1.      Hand-Arm Vibration HAV

2.      Whole Body Vibration WBV

Hand-arm Vibration

Most of the time the workers which are using power tools are at risk of facing the first type of vibration hazard which is Hand-Arm Vibration.

Now we will discuss about the tools which might be include in hand arm vibration are grinders, jack hammers or drills etc.

Health effects of Hand-arm vibration

1.     Tingling

2.     Numbness

3.     Pain and discoloration in the fingers

4.     Grip weakened due to nerves and blood vessel damage

Control measures of Hand-arm vibration

At last being a safety professional we can take some steps to reduce the health effects of the hand arm vibration.

These are the techniques which we use to control the hand arm vibration risk and its effects.

  • Try to proceed with vibration isolators and use the equipment which have damping techniques.

  • Always make sure that the machines and tools in adequate working order/condition.

  • switch between vibrating and non-vibrating tools so that the progress won’t affect and workers are safe as well.

  • Job rotation i.e., Allow workers to take frequent breaks during working hours.

  • Educate the workforce through Toolbox talk and trainings on vibration hazards and also tell them about best practices for limiting exposure.

  • Advise workers to keep their hands warm and dry and lightly grip the gangs.

Whole Body Vibration Hazard

Whole body vibration is a vibration which can transmit to a worker through a direct contacting or support structure such as driving seat or a floor which is in vibration condition.

Health effects of Whole-Body Vibration

Health effects on the human body due to whole body vibration are: 

•     Fatigue and headache,

•     Stomach problems and/or motion sickness,

•     Most common health issue related to this type vibration is the back pain which can be           some time turns into permanent injury,

•     Trembling after direct exposure and

•     Insomnia.

Control measures of whole-body vibration

At the end we will now talk about the control measure which we can use to overcome the issues which will arise from this type of vibration hazards.

By following these steps, we can avoid the risk of whole-body vibration at our work place. 

• The Selection of vehicles which have low vibration    

•   Always make sure to choose the seat that have good design which could be with sprung and adjustable.

• Wherever possible provide level routes for vehicles and ensure that they are kept in good condition.    

• Educate and instruct the drivers to always keep in mind the vehicle routes which are in good condition so that they can avoid the rough road.    

• The speed of the vehicle should be adjusted as per ground conditions.

• Ensure to provide the suitable footwear and floor surface.

• Regular maintenance of the vehicles should be done and kept the record.  


• before commencing the activity always make sure that vehicles tyres are properly inflated and it have the adequate pressure.


• Limiting the worker’s exposure time by educating them to take regular break or proceed with Job rotation.     

• Always educate the workforce about the hazards and risk involved and precautionary measures which will help them to reduce these hazards and risks.  

       • Regular health surveillance programme should be introduced.



  1. Interesting article! Yes, workplace vibration can be dangerous and may cause permanent health problems. Mechanically isolate the source to minimize exposure. You may consider vibration-damping seats as well. Low vibration tools and basic acceleration levels are ideal to ensure a safe industrial environment.
