Monday, October 4, 2021

Health safety and welfare requirements for new offices/Construction Site


Health safety and welfare requirements of Construction Site

Health safety and welfare requirements for new offices/Construction Site


Construction workplace have several health, safety, and welfare requirements. These are the most important things which should be provided before/during commencing the activities on a site.


In this article I will try to cover all the requirements to setting a new workspace so that we can familiar of what can be asked by a health & safety local legislation body at any time and we can make ourself able to show the compliance.

Welfare requirements for the offices/Sites are:



Workstation basically include Space and seating for the personals or employees. It is employer’s responsibility to provide.

Consider ergonomic arrangement when developing the workstation. It will help the user to work in a relaxed and ideal typing position. If it is close to a natural position, it will defiantly reduce the chances of any injury.

Another thing to consider is Armrest on the chair. It will help the user to relax and also make sitting on the chair or leaving the chair easy and secure. 

Ensure that it is comfortable to sit on and has a good backrest that provides lumbar support.

Monitor height needs to keep at comfort level. Make sure that employee neck and body is not twisted while working.





Noise can create stress and it has also chronic effects to the health of a personal so employer has a responsibility to choose a quite workstation or working environment for the employees in the offices or site.


If working in an environment where noise level is above 85 dB(A) hearing protection should be used or minimize the exposure to noise by job rotation/ frequent breaks.




Adequate light required for offices and site. Ensure it is not too bright. If its glare on the screen you are not able to see or face difficulties while work. It can create stress as well. Choose a place wisely. Avoid keeping your monitor/laptop screen Infront of the windows or other opening because you will be unable to see anything on the screen due to sunlight.





It is employer’s responsibility to provide a well-ventilated area for working. Fresh air is also required in that area.


Temperature Control


Heating and cooling will affect employee performance so it should be controlled. Try to provide a comfortable area for working.


Drinking Water with Sanitary Conveniences


Ensure that appropriate supply of drinking water is there at site and in the offices ae well. If required place signage.

Drinking water dispenser and filters should be cleaned regularly/daily basis and maintain the record of cleaning.


Because of covid-19 disposable cups to be placed at drinking water stations. Avoid having the share/common glass or cups.


Sanitary conveniences will be in easy and accessible locations for both offices/sites are required. It should be clean and orderly maintained and keep a cleaning log.


Provision of Adequate Rest Area and Eating Area


Provision of adequate rest area and eating area is one the mandatory requirements. All the rest shelters and eating area needs to be cleaned always. Maintain and keep the cleaning log always.

For eating area ensure that sitting arrangements are there with table so that employees can have their meal in a clean environment.

Proper Access and Egress


Sufficient number of safe access egress routs must be provided for all the work location. Consider crowd numbers and complexity of work location. Access routs must be maintained structurally intact and tidy always and not blocked with material. All the access routes are with proper signage and barricade to control the man machine interface. 

Cleanliness and Waste Material


Keeping a clean site is good for our company and image in industry as well as it is most important for our Safety, Health and Environment.

Following these guidelines will help you maintain a clean and tidy website:

Delivery should be stored as neatly as possible.

Put waste in a suitable container.

Keep material stores clean and Stack material especially when they are in public view.

Ensure adequate “temporary material waste disposal areas” been identified, signage is displayed with all types of segregated waste and regularly removed to prevent build-up.

Be especially careful when disposing of packaging materials, as they are generally lightweight material and can cause an accident if flew on the road.

Avoid spilling liquids anywhere on the premises, especially near site entrances and public roads. It can cause public discomfort.

Make sure that the work surface is kept dry and that sufficient measures are taken to ensure that the access and work surfaces are not slippery.

Clean up any spills immediately and report them to your supervisor.

Do not leave anything on the premises that could become a hazard to people on or around the premises.


First Aid


First aid station is required to be established on a Construction site and Site offices with third party certified competent first aider. If working on a tower project every 10th floor we require first aid station with first aider.


Wash facilities


Hand wash facilities required to be established on different location at welfare facilities and offices. 

Shower facilities shall have separate facilities and dynamical rooms for men and women.


Availability of unpolluted hot and cold water include soap or other means that of cleaning.

Clean Towels to dry and adequate ventilation and lighting arrangements for shower facilities.

It should be cleaned on regular basis and kept the record. Ensure that it is well operational.


Designated Smoking Area


For a project, designated smoking area needs to be created to avoid fire hazards. Designated smoking area will never be close to combustible material. It shall be clearly signed. Educate the employee about smoking i.e., if you can't see the signs, you can't smoke!

We want to make sure everyone on site is safe and, in this way, we are taking the necessary precautions to minimize danger.


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