Sunday, December 27, 2020

Slip Trip Hazards and Control Measures at workplace


Slip Trip Hazards and Control Measures

Slip Trip Hazards and Control Measures at workplace
Today I am going to discuss the biggest hazard in the construction sites or in fact all types of work places i.e. slip trip. It can be avoided easily but unfortunately it is neglected most of the times and will give huge impact on work life.

We will start with the most common slip trip hazards:

·        Slippery Surface/Spillage

Slippery surface due to any wet material, chemical or even water.  It is the most common hazard on any workplace.

·        Open Holes

Holes are also a type of trip hazard. Mostly what I observed in my professional career that open holes are behind most incidents related to tripping hazards.   

·        Trailing Cables

It is the biggest reason of tripping hazard on a workplace. It can be avoid easily but we can notice it on every site mostly carelessness or people become lazy. Sometimes it can be fatal if protruding bars or

sharp edges are there.

·        Poor Housekeeping

Poor housekeeping creates tripping hazard and other hazards as well.

·        Uneven Ground

The surface where the workers are working is very important. Uneven surface create trips.

·        Insufficient lighting

Insufficient light is also contributed to generate trip hazard.

·        Moving material

Moving material from one place to another if the load is obstructing the vision than it is also categorised as trip hazard.


These are the hazards which can be present on any site. These can be controlled or reduce by applying control measures.

Here are the control measures regarding slip trip:

·        Adequate lighting

Workplace light is very important to reduce the tripping hazard.


Minimum light required in lux are:

·        For general Construction site, concrete works, excavation, tunnel shaft and underground area:  53.82 lux.

·        For storage area, walkway, maintenance work, refuelling and loading platforms: 53.82 lux.

·        And for shops, plants, electrical and mechanical work areas: 90 lux


·        Eliminate the need to carry that obstruct vision


 Use mechanical aid for shifting material and lift not more than chest height so that we can avoid vision obstruction.


·        Wear correct foot wear


 Always use good quality foot wear with strong grip over the ground.  


·        Non slippery surface


 Ensure that the work area is non-slippery. If it is because of wet make it dry/clean first.


·        Procedure to control spillage

Four basic steps to control spillage on a work place are:

1.      Information: Inform supervisor or seniors and others immediately who are working in the same area.

2.      Control the spill with the help of spill kit. Do not let work area more affected due to that spill.

3.      If require initiate the emergency response procedure as per emergency response plan.

4.      Clear / clean the spill and any damages.  

·        Tool and equipment adequately stored


Material (tools and equipment) storage in orderly and separately is another thing which we can do prevent the tripping hazard on a workplace.


·        Ensure to maintain good housekeeping all times

Proper housekeeping eliminates the tripping hazard. Best possible way to do the housekeeping 5 minute before start the job and 5 minute after completion.   


·        Ensure walkways are non-slippery and clear

Ensure that all the walk ways are cleaned and non-slippery.  

·        Designated walk ways and route where possible

To reduce the risk of tripping hazard establishes the walk ways so that workers are away from the work area while moving.

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