Saturday, December 12, 2020

ELECTRICAL SAFETY at Construction Site



Only competent/authorized electricians are allowed to make the electrical installations.

Electrical power load for tasks must be assessed and suitable equipment must be installed. (e.g. Suitably rated panels, cables, sockets etc.)

Power generators/electrical panels must be provided with appropriately rated circuit breakers (rcds) inspected regularly for its intended purpose.

Secured (locked) appropriately from unauthorized meddling.

Earthed appropriately and inspected regularly to ensure the same.

Posted with contact details of “responsible electricians” to contact in case of emergency.

Power (female) sockets of the electrical panels/extension cords must be provided with flap covers.

Socket cables must be appropriately supported (pig tailed) to prevent loose connections/electrical incidents.

Electrical cables must be protected appropriately from being damaged due to moving vehicles/equipment.

Cables may be passed under-ground or overhead.


Installation of un-authorized electrical equipment, connections, unsafe cable splicing or other

Violations compromising electrical safety may lead to appropriate disciplinary actions.




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