Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Manual Handling with control measures

 Manual Handling   Manual Handling Introduction Manual handling is an essential part of many jobs across various industries. It refers to the process of lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling objects by hand or bodily force. While manual handling is an integral part of most workplaces, it can be hazardous, and accidents can occur. Manual handling injuries...

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vibration hazard types on the workplace and their health effects with the control measures

 Vibration Hazards and Control Measures   We have two types of the vibration hazards which are related to our workplace. These are: 1.      Hand-Arm Vibration HAV 2.      Whole Body Vibration WBV Hand-arm Vibration Most of the time the workers which are using power tools are at risk of facing the...

Monday, October 4, 2021

Health safety and welfare requirements for new offices/Construction Site

 Health safety and welfare requirements of Construction Site   Construction workplace have several health, safety, and welfare requirements. These are the most important things which should be provided before/during commencing the activities on a site.   In this article I will try to cover all the requirements to setting a new workspace so that we can familiar...