Thursday, September 30, 2021

Accident Investigation on a workplace

 Accident Investigation     Workplace accident investigation is an ideal tool identify the outcomes which will arise after the accident.  Why do you need to investigate occupational accidents? For identification the cause of incident. To prevent comparative accidents later To meet legal needs. To determine the cost of an accident Determines...

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Demolition hazards and control measures which we may face at a demolition site

  Demolition hazards & control measures  Introduction Demolition work involves the dismantling, destruction, or removal of structures, buildings, or other infrastructures. Demolition work can be hazardous due to the presence of numerous risks such as falling objects, electrical hazards, and exposure to hazardous substances. Therefore, it is essential...

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Hazards and Control Measures of working Alone at a workplace

 Risk and Control Measures of Alone Working     What is a lone worker? A lone worker is the one who works on his own without direct or close supervision and can be found in a different type of activities. Mostly we consider lone worker which is working alone without direct supervision and without his co-workers as well.    Here...

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Pre Task Safety Briefing for a specific task at a workplace

 Pre Task Safety Briefing      We can say that these are a kind of toolbox talk. Pre-task briefings are used to make a specific task safe. In this we can identify the hazards which could be there and control measures to control these hazards and also about the Personal Protective Equipment which are required to commence the job safely and securely. In...

Friday, September 3, 2021

Work Related Violence types and control measures of these incidents

   Violence at Workplace   What is Violence (Work Related)?   Definition: “Any incident in which a worker or an employee is threatened, attacked or abused by a member of public in situations that arise during their employment is called work related violence”.   This definition tells us that employees who come in contact with general members...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Environmental Management Systems and its benefits to employees and others benifits

 Environmental Management Systems     A management system can be described as any process used to simplify the planning and management of people's daily lives, which can help spread procedures and information around the world, to companies, to check if they are adequate and that they work. Management system used to verify compliance with environmental directives,...