Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Unsafe Work Conditions with examples at a workplace



Unsafe Conditions at Workplace


Unsafe Work Conditions

Unsafe Conditions Examples


An accident may occur due to the unsafe conditions. Few of them as an example are:

Uncomfortable Environment which may be Hot, Noisy etc..

Inadequate designed machines or inadequate design of tools.

Poor housekeeping inadequate access routes.

Due to uneven surface which can be rough, slippery or defective in any way.

Poor or insufficient lighting conditions.

Improper ventilation or air quality is not good (contaminated air)

Poor guarding of machine or equipment’s.

Unguarded machinery or equipments or lack of guards.

Unsafe processes or method of completing the task - mechanical, chemical, electrical, and nuclear.


This does not mean that an unsafe operation or unsafe condition alone cannot lead to an accident.

For example, horse play is an unsafe process that may occur in safe situations, but It can still cause an accident.

In the same way, a person can work perfectly, Safely, using safe equipment and materials that are in good condition, but prone to injuries.





Many experiments have been done on the impact of temperature. The main variables are air temperature, moisture, air flow and operator's clothing and task. The general consensus is that the conditions for thermal comfort, work performance and minimum accidents are identical. The temperature in the range of 16-24 ° C is acceptable to most people.



The effect of noise is very complex. It is identified that noise can damage the hearing mechanism and prolonged exposure to noise levels above 120 dB (decibels) can cause permanent damage.

Lower levels interfere with speech and communication may interfere with work performance. Errors have been found to increase with noise and non-hearing effects, Any of these effects could easily be responsible for an accident.


For many years, machinery is responsible for many industrial accidents around the world.

Through government law enforcement, and improving the awareness about guarding, agronomic design and moral and social responsibilities, which has reduced the number of injuries from machinery related accidents.

It still leaves a lot of concern, because machine accident injuries are generally intense, and often cause partial or even permanent disability.

Although the safety rules of fencing and dangerous machinery are present, most accidents are due to the use of improper guards or failure to use the guards provided.

However, all the guards should be designed well, should be adjusted correctly, properly maintained and examined regularly.

Some machines can remain unsafe because they are considered as 'safe' in terms of position.

No machinery can really be protected by position because its relative safety depends on the proximity of people.


Its the supervisor who can carefully examine in the beginning and after completion of the work, to removing the fuse, locking the start switch or covering, and place an appropriate notice sign.



Industrial psychologists have just done a lot of time to review how the operator's performance varies, as the external conditions change, the idea is that there is a great bet to perform all kinds of work. For example, when the lighting, heating, ventilation, moisture and noise conditions are found to be found, it has been found that there is some desired range inside which the operator will work efficiently.

Anything outside this range, either very little or much more, its performance will affect its performance. However, many workers will try extra to maintain the production despite the worsening conditions. In such cases it has been found that it usually increases the frequency and intensity of accidents.



Monday, August 30, 2021

Unsafe Acts at workplace with examples and types of Unsafe Acts at a workplace


Unsafe Acts at Workplace

Unsafe Act at Workplace

Let's start with an example to better understand the unsafe acts. In a MEP store, pipes of some lengths were being stacked.

Same time morning tea break starts.

The workers who were stacking quickly finished their work and went for tea.

After tea, they resumed work in the other part of the store.

Unfortunately, they left some pipes in the first stack and these pipes are in the access area.

Later, at sunset, another employee arrived, turn the yard lights on, and slipped over the faulty stacked pipes.




In another example, in the same area, one of the other workers used a defective tool, resulting in an injury to his hand.

In the result of an investigations observed that the tool was damaged and rusty and the worker tries to fix it on his own, which he is not capable of.

In both cases, the accident occurred due to an unsafe operation. In one case, a third party was injured. In the second, the unsafe act was committed by the injured party.



Unsafe Acts Examples


Unsafe acts of the personal may be considered as following:

Operating the tools and equipments when not authorized.

Working at unsafe speed .

Bypass the safety devices.

Using unsafe tool and equipment, or using it in an unsafe manner.

Working in unsafe methods.

Unsafe position or posture while working.

Working while moving or dangerous equipment used.

Horseplay, while working.

Failure to wear PPE (personal protective equipments).

Lack of attention; routine activity without thought.


Unsafe Act Types


From an accident prevention perspective, it is helpful to categorize the unsafe acts into two types:


Active and inactive


Active Unsafe Act.

A clear example of the active nature of the unsafe act is the case where a worker intentionally.

Removes a protective shield to potentially improve its production rate. This act, together with

The fact that he is working faster now can cause more mistakes. Many of them may go unnoticed, some may cause faults, but ultimately, On average, there will be an accident at the end.

Of course, it is difficult to control a person's behavior, but the most effective measures are to proceed with proper training and proper supervision.


Inactive Unsafe Acts.

Inactive unsafe acts are usually more difficult to deal with. for an example.

Failure to wear an employee's personal protection when clearly everyone knows they have to wear before commencing the activity. There will be lot of possible reasons for not wearing.

Inactive movements are often very difficult to change. This can be done by counseling schemes, training programs and with effective monitoring.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Accident costs to an organization including direct and indirect cost

Costs related to an accident to an organization 

Accident costs to an organization


Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone, including in the workplace. Workplace accidents can have significant costs for an organization, both direct and indirect. Direct costs are the expenses that an organization incurs as a result of an accident, such as medical expenses, repairs to equipment and property damage. Indirect costs are the hidden costs associated with an accident, such as lost productivity, employee morale, and legal fees. In this article, we will examine the different types of costs related to an accident to an organization, both direct and indirect.

Direct Costs

Medical Costs

When an employee is involved in an accident, the organization is responsible for the medical expenses incurred by the employee. These costs may include hospitalization, doctor's fees, medication, and rehabilitation expenses. Medical costs can be quite substantial, particularly if the employee requires long-term medical treatment.

Compensation Costs

In addition to medical costs, an organization may be required to pay compensation to the injured employee. Compensation may include payment for lost wages, pain and suffering, and disability benefits. The cost of compensation can be significant, particularly if the employee is unable to work for an extended period.

Property Damage Costs

If an accident involves damage to company property, the organization will need to bear the costs of repairing or replacing the damaged property. Property damage costs may include repairing or replacing machinery, vehicles, tools, and other equipment.

Legal Costs

If an accident results in a lawsuit, the organization may need to pay legal fees. Legal fees can be substantial, particularly if the case goes to trial. Additionally, the organization may be required to pay fines and penalties if found liable for the accident.

Indirect Costs

Lost Productivity

When an employee is injured in an accident, they may be unable to work for an extended period. This can result in lost productivity for the organization, particularly if the employee is a key member of the team. Lost productivity can be difficult to quantify, but it can have a significant impact on the organization's bottom line.

Training Costs

If an employee is injured in an accident, the organization may need to hire and train a replacement. Training costs can be significant, particularly if the replacement requires specialized training.

Morale Costs

An accident can have a significant impact on employee morale. Employees may feel uneasy about working in an environment where accidents can occur, and may be concerned about their own safety. Low morale can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates.

Administrative Costs

An accident can result in increased administrative costs, such as filling out accident reports, investigating the accident, and implementing new safety protocols. These costs can be significant, particularly if the organization is required to comply with government regulations.

Calculating the Cost of an Accident

Calculating the cost of an accident can be challenging, particularly when considering indirect costs. The following steps can be used to estimate the cost of an accident to an organization:

Identify Direct Costs

The first step in calculating the cost of an accident is to identify the direct costs associated with the accident. These costs may include medical expenses, compensation costs, property damage costs, and legal fees.

Identify Indirect Costs

The second step is to identify the indirect costs associated with the accident. These costs may include lost productivity, training costs, morale costs, and administrative costs.

Assign a Value to Indirect Costs

Assigning a value to indirect costs can be challenging. To assign a value to lost productivity, for example, the organization may need to estimate the employee's hourly wage, the number of hours lost, and the impact on the organization's overall productivity. To assign a value to morale costs, the organization may need to survey employees to gauge their feelings about the accident.


Accidents can have a significant financial impact on organizations, and it is essential to be aware of the costs involved. Direct costs such as medical expenses, compensation payments, and property damage can be substantial, and indirect costs such as lost productivity and reputation damage can also have long-lasting effects. Therefore, investing in a proactive approach to health and safety, such as risk assessments, training, and hazard controls, can help reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring in the first place. By taking these steps, organizations can not only prevent the financial costs of accidents but also improve employee morale and productivity. Remember, the cost of an accident goes far beyond immediate expenses, and it is crucial to prioritize workplace safety to ensure the long-term success of any organization.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mechanical and Non-Mechanical hazards on a Workplace

  Mechanical and Non-Mechanical hazards

Mechanical and Non-Mechanical hazards

Mechanical Hazards



Working near power plants, such as power machinery, increases the risk of workers getting entangled or confused. Loose clothing, hair, gloves, jewelry, cleaning brushes, rags or other materials can be involved in moving machine parts, and in result it can pull the personal into the dangerous parts of the machine.



The danger of being trapped is defined as a place or a place that can trap a worker. It can be anything from a rotating part or confined space or a machine that has the ability to trap workers. That is why it is important that the hazards of entrapment be clearly marked in all workplaces


Collision / Impact

The collision/impact can be interpreted